
Visiting India's largest banana seedling production chain and irrigation industry

A group of executives specialized in Horticultural, Seed and Plant Certification and Registration Institute, Plant Protection Organization and a private sector's representative from India visited the India's largest banana seedling production chain and shared the experience in the establishment of irrigation facility and banana garden production with the aim of planning to expand Iran's banana plantation farms. 

During this business trip, the delegation learned about India's latest achievements in using tissue culture technology to produce more than 100 million banana seedlings. The group also visited the different stages of the production and cultivation of banana seedlings, banana garden production and the production line of irrigation structures and appurtenant.

The group sought enhancing cooperation and exchange of technical knowledge in the agricultural sector in a close expert interaction with the researchers and experts of the host country.  Moreover, the first joint work group on agricultural cooperation was agreed upon between the republic Islamic of Iran and India in a meeting attended by the deputy ministers of agriculture from both countries.

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